By Letisha Kolokol

After 20 years in care centers in and around the Bogia district, the displaced Manam Islanders, who were affected by the active Manam volcano in Madang Province will soon be relocated and settled in a new resettlement site.
Manam Resettlement Authority (MARA’s) Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Richard Baia, told FM100 News that the resettlement site for the displaced Manam islanders will be at Raptuk in Andarum census division between the Bogia and Middle Ramu districts.

Mr Baia says the resettlement site is in a remote area between Bogia and Middle Ramu districts therefore the site has no proper road and has not seen any basic government services.
Under the directive of Mr Baia, MARA started construction work of a new road to the resettlement site to allow the Manam people to move in and settle in the proposed resettlement land blocks.

He says the road allows the easy access of Manam islanders to the resettlement site which the host villages will benefit from as well.
Mr Baia adds that there are many challenges to the Manam Resettlement project however the main one is the funding that will help to build two new bridges over the river that is along the resettlement site.

Meanwhile he says inadequate funding and the timely release of funds by the government including the Manam people’s negative attitude continues to delay the smooth progress of the work. He says the Manam people continue to deny efforts by the government and other organizations providing basic services and assistances for their livelihood.

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