By Lethisa KOLOKOL, Port Moresby
The National Capital District Commission (NCDC), under the Visionary Leadership of Honorable Governor Powes Parkop has pledged support to the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) of NCD.
In a press conference held on Monday, 21st October at the NCDC Annex Building, Governor Parkop said, in this month there have been major law and order issues in the city, recalling the Tabari Incident, the attempted murder at Tokarara, and the recent disgruntles at the Gordon’s bus stop, adding ” Our City is our collective asset and the face of our country and our people. We must not compromise its security and well being.”
The Governor announced several initiatives endorsed by the NCDC Board that are already being implemented whilst others are still pending like the installation of CCTV cameras in the Boroko area and the Vagrancy Act.
Some of the initiatives includes Bustops Wardens and Police reserves, Governnor Parkop said, as of the moment there are only 70 police reserves helping the regular police but they plan to get more on board, and they will ensure these young men are well trained and disciplined by the police to fully carry out their designated task.
“We will also collaborate closely with our regular police and urban safety with logistic support to ensure effective control of the travelling public. We will ensure effective communication so incidents and issues can be escalated to rapid response team. Hence we have the support of ACP NCD/Central and Met Sup giving full support accordingly,” he said
The Assistant Commissioner for Police for the NCD and Central, Peter Guiness was also present at the conference, added that the operation “Harim Tok” is an ongoing operation and police are beefing up patrols but due to the lack of manpower and infrastructure, they cannot be at all the hotspot places all the time.
However he acknowledged and thanked the NCDC Board and the Governor for their continued support in making sure the nation’s capital is a conducive environment for everyone to live in.
ACP Guinness assured that the police are doing everything they can to make sure the city is safe but it a a collaborative effort therefore he called to the General Public to be vigilant when travelling in and around the city.