By Nigel MADO
THE National St. Johns Ambulance truly have built a name synonymous with service and this Christmas period, they have cemented their position as a vital service provider for the nation.
Kalang News was given a rare privilege to accompany some of the best of the best in the First Aid response teams in the country to go around the city and see the Green Angels in action.
These stalwart first responders are truly people with patience and skill, built in through rigorous training and adept at responding to any situation, big or small that many a times people forget that they too, are human.
For Qualified Ambulance officers such as Florence Marampau & Douglas Kamali, saving lives is not just a day job, but a of service to the people.
Taking their jobs with no complaint and reaching out to the unreached is a credo that many “Green Angels” posses.
Alpha 021 tended to a young boy in the Talai Settlement of Badili, whose parents had phoned into the National Ambulance Operations Centre [NAOC] after his illness went serious.
They then attended to a case in Gaire Village, Central Province, where they had to transport the patient to the Port Moresby General Hospital for treatment, after her husband phoned in to the NAOC, reporting that she was suffering from severe abdonminal pain.
Christmas Eve did not seem troublesome for the NSJA this year, but service is to those in need. On the 24th of December, Alpha 021 responded to sick patients in need of assurance and also to tend those in pain.
Venturing into the most dangerous and what many consider to be hostile areas of the city, these Green Angels put aside the sense of danger for the greater good of the people.
Picture caption: Nurse Yengs and Officer Aue attnding to an Asthma Patient at the Marianville Staff Compound.