THE CHIEF Secretary to Government Ivan Pomaleu in his recent Christmas Messages highlighted that the country will begin its acknowledgement and celebrations of the 50th Anniversary in the new year.
As the Chief Secretary, he is charged to ensure that there is governance, accountability and transparency in the Public Service, and also charged to ensure that
policy decisions are implemented.
He says, Public Service machinery is huge, but it must be effective, and it must be the interface between the government and the people.
Like any other developed and developing nations, Papua New Guinea has its shares of
challenges and these challenges cannot go unnoticed.
Papua New Guinea will be greater as a nation if the government and the people, start collaborating to ensure PNG does not submerge after 49 long years of navigating through the rough seas hence the government is duty bound to keep Papua New Guinea propelling forward to a new and greater height.
Chief Secretary says, year 2025 will be a milestone of sovereignty as a nation from when the nation attained Independence in 1975 to now, adding that a lot has happened in the last 49 years.
But a lot more remains incomplete and will require concerted and undivided effort on the part of our public service machinery to step up.
The Government will ensure to implement the government’s policies without fear or favor, and is also committed to ensure public servants living and working throughout the country serve the people well.