AS the country’s gearing up to celebrate the 50th years of independence anniversary, the education system has also evolved in its development in the country’s human resource.

The Education Secretary, Dr. Uke Kombra has highlighted last year’s achievements in education during the NASFUND FM 100 Talkback Show recently.

He stated that as of last year, they were able to graduate approximately 200,000 students from grade 8, 10 and 12 among the 2.3 million students as well as enrolling around 82, 000 students in the flexible distance education, by giving the unfortunate students a full 12-year education.

He said that was one achievement and that education department will continue to expand the full system so that it provides education for everyone and leaving no child behind.

Another development is the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Program (STEM) that saw more than 200 students sent overseas to study.

The secretary also mentioned that the curriculum for early childhood education has already been completed and will be implemented this year.

These are some of the major highlights of the development in education sector.

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