By Nigel MADO

In a small but significant ceremony this afternoon, the Chief Executive officer of Telikom, Amos Tepi Limited inked an MoA with the Governor of Gulf province, Chris Haiveta that will see a joint venture to enhance telecommunication services in the province.

Addressing the Governor, Mr. Tepi stated that he was proud to have the opportunity to sign the MoA, which is the result of an MoU previously signed last year.

He said this MoA will look to build a telecommunication partnership and to develop the telecommunication space in the gulf province by diversifying the market of telecommunication products and other services.

Tepi said he looks forward to continuing to work with the Gulf Provincial Government in providing these services.

Governor Haiveta on the other hand thanked Telikom for giving them the opportunity to provide more telecommunication services.

The Governor praised Telikom for initiating discussion on the partnership to work alongside Telikom. He added that this partnership will give the people of the province the chance to be more informed and empowered with information.

Haiveta said given the current geo-political landscape, domestic issues and other factors affecting growth and development in the province, it is timely that this MoA is signed and work will commence.

He stated that the Gulf Provincial Government is proud to work with Telikom and will be going out of their way to ensure a smooth entrance of the digital giant into the province.

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