The Counter-Terrorism Joint Security Task Force (CTJSTF) has set in place initial plans to combat current terrorists’ threats that present against the people of Papua New Guinea and over national security.

A the first CTJSTF meeting on the weekend in Port Moresby, the task force leadership headed by Police Commissioner, David Manning, and senior RPNGC and the PNGDF, voiced operational requirements for the coming year.

The Commissioner of Police said the creation of JSTF, under the Counter Terrorism Act, gives stronger legislated authority to take down the criminals that terrorise, kidnap, rape and kill in local communities in the country.

He said terrorist acts are hurting the people and the counter-terrorism JSTF is tasked with assessing ad planning counter terrorist operations to apprehend the people who commit such killings.

Commissioner Manning said the First JSTF meeting reviewed the legislative framework, considered current threat assessments, and examined immediate upskilling necessary to achieve proactive operational outcomes to stop terrorist activities.

The CTJSTF Executive is comprised of five members, with Commissioner Manning as commander, a deputy from the RPNGC and the PNGDF, and three other senior uninformed personnel.

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