By Sharon AGAVI
The National Information Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) has installed ICT resources including 20 desktop computers and VSAT disk (very small aperture terminal) at the Tubusereia Junior High School in the Central province following a Memorandum of Understanding signed between NICTA and Tubusereia Junior High School recently.
This project is under the government’s Universal Access Service (UAS) through the NICTA.
The Chairman of the Junior High School and managing director of the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), Mr. Kora Nou expressed his sincere gratitude to the government and NICTA for the ICT facilities.
He said the facilities will enhance students learning with the latest technology and provide also to the locals who are interested in building their ICT capacity.
The CEO of NICTA Mr. Kila Gulo Vui said at NICTA they are committed to implementing the government’s digital policy and universal connectivity to the people everywhere in PNG.
Minister for ICT, Timothy Masiu in his speech emphasized more on access to digital connectivity and said it must be affordable and free to everyone.
As Minister responsible for ICT, he also raises concerns on the usage of social media as the government is developing a policy to filter contents and students were warned to use these resources wisely.