Member for Karamui-Nomane, Francis Alua, raised concerns in parliament today about the deferred Local Level Government (LLG) Elections scheduled to start next month across the country as reported in media.

He directed two important questions to the Minister for Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs Soroi Eoe and the Minister for administrative services Richard Masere for clarification regarding the government’s position on the election of LLG presidents.

One of the key questions was whether the presidents would be elected by the people or if they would be elected by the electoral ward councilors.

In response, the Minister for Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs, Soroi Eoe clarified that provinces in the highlands and Morobe province have opted to elect presidents by the ward members while the rest of the provinces, especially the coastal will elect the presidents by the people.

These questions were raised due to incomplete national census reports in some provinces which questioned the issues whether the elections should proceed.

Minister Eoe confirmed that the LLG elections are scheduled to begin on April 24th, with the writs to be issued and returned by July 25th.

He assured the country that the LLG Elections would proceed as planned.

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