BY Benjamin Koitaka, Pom

FIVE New foreign judges were appointed to the National and Supreme Courts bench of Papua New Guinea while three already serving as judges also have their terms extended, bringing the total appointment to 8.
Minister for Justice and Attorney General Pila Niningi announced these appointments today (Thursday, 29th of August) in a press conference.

Mr. Niningi, who is also the Chairman of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission congratulated that five-new appointees and also commended the three re-appointed judges for their service to the Legal System in the country.

The five new judges include, Justice Nicholas Cooper of United Kingdom while Ms. Larissa Andelman Ms. Rebecca Christensen, Mr. Andrew S Kostopoulos and Mr. Anthony Lo Surdo from Australia.

These incoming judges will serve the country for the next three years period including the re-appointment of Justice Berna Collier, Justice Alexander John Logan of Australia and Justice Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake of Botswana (Africa), who will also serve within the same period.

Mr Niningi said this now adds the number of judges to 44. The swearing-in of these overseas new judges will be announced later.

He further added that local lawyers and judges to be elevated and appointed as judges, depending on their performance, interest and submission made to the courts and judges.

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