By Joel ANDREW, Southern Highlands
Aiya Rugby League in the Kagua Erave District of Southern Highlands Province hosted their Grand Final for 2024 season at Usa village in Aiya LLG.
This local league is also one of the four affiliated leagues with PNGRFL in Southern Highlands Province, and is coordinated in accordance to the PNGRFL calendar.
Major sponsor for the league and Managing Director for Cane Constructions Limited Mr. Michael Ipa was present, together with a huge crowd from all over Southern Highlands, including other contributing sponsors as well.
The grand final went on successfully without disruptions, as the rugby league community witnessed JT Cowboys outplaying Rims Tigers on a close encounter with 10-08 points.
Tigers made an impressive performance by scoring on the 78th Minute to win the game, after trailing behind on 04 points while Cowboys was leading with 08 points.
Cane Construction MD Mr. Michael Ipa was delighted and pleased for the successful grand final and pledged his continuous support towards the development of rugby league in this rural vicinity.
Aiya Rugby League Executives extended their sincere appreciation to all sponsors for the 2024 season and concluded that they look forward for another challenging season in 2025.