By Josu KIM
MORE than 4000 women, mostly mothers in the Moresby North West electorate in the Nation’s Capital are now being formally registered under the Moresby North West Mama SME Program.
Moresby North West MP Lohia Boe Samuel formally launched the Program and committed K550, 000 for this yesterday at the Sir Hubert Murray Stadium in the presence of the women representatives.
The program was done in partnership with Womens Micro Bank (Mama Bank) who will issue the funds to the Women SME associations right across the electorate.
MNW MP Lohia Boe Samuel thanked the women for their patience and endurance all these while until yesterday, saying the gesture is a first of its kind for the electorate.
Mama Bank Business Development Manager Ashutosh Mishra said the bank will ensure they work together with the Moresby North West MPs office and the women to deliver this important program to them.
The Bank will also run financial literacy trainings next year onwards as part of the agreement.
The women representatives from wards 1, 7, 8, 10 and 11 also have their turn to express their gratitude to their MP and those who have worked together to develop the program.
The 4000 mothers from the 75 SME Groups from Wards 1, 7. 8. 10, 11 will access funding of K550, 000 funded to Mama Bank for the respective wards to access and finance their sme’s.
Apart from this funding, the MP Samuel also confirmed payment of K140 000 to MI Bank
for registered SME mothers from the respective wards.
MP Samuel in his remarks says, through this collaboration, Moresby North West will also look at partnering with Eliseo for container canteens to provide shop services.
MP Samuel says the container canteens will have cash registers connected to their system to monitor stock and replenish goods in the canteen.
He urged the women mothers to use the funding wisely to sustain their sme operations.
Picture Caption: Moresby North West MP Lohia Boe Samuel presenting the funds to Mama Bank Business Development Manager Ashutosh Mishra and the SME women groups at Sir Hubert Murray stadium yesterday.