A team of project Exploration Coordinators of the Mineral Resources Authority’s (MRA), with the support from Eastern Highlands Provincial Government, and Kainantu District Administration, is currently in Kainantu, to carry out an awareness program, involving landowners that host K92 Mining’s Exploration Licenses (ELs).

K92 Mining is currently conducting drilling and soil sampling at some of its adjacent exploration tenements. However, the company is facing issues accessing land under its ELs/prospect, as landowners are reluctant in allowing access to land or prospecting area, because of misconceptions /perceptions on things such as benefits, employment and other opportunities available during the exploration phase.

This has delayed the company’s exploration programs costing the company significant time and resources.

The awareness program is purposely to provide a platform for the landowners to express themselves, bring out their issues and for the MRA to address the issues in accordance with appropriate laws and regulations, that govern ELs as per the Mining Act 1992.

The landowners involved in the program are from: 1. Bilimoia EL 470

  1. Unantu EL 693
  2. Bobonave/Namura/Tarafine, Stonfamo/Timuza EL 1341
  3. Tirae/Onenofi/Hengkae EL 2620
  4. Arakompa settlers EL 2623
  5. Kokomo settlers (Pomasi, Bilimoia (Mati) EL 470
  6. Sakimaniap EL 470

Chairman of the Bilimoia Landowners Association Busa Sio, said the awareness provided a good opportunity for his and other landowners to be informed of what the laws are with regards to their grievances and concerns. He thanked the MRA officers adding that the meeting had cleared some of their main issues of concerns.

Other stakeholders who are represented at the meeting were K92 Mining, Kainantu District Administration and the Eastern Highlands Provincial Government.

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