CHIEF of Defence Force Philip Polewara has urged the members of the force not to get involved in any industrial or union strikes, related to the proposed Public Service Niucare Association introduced by the Government.
CDF Rear Admiral Polewara singled out that the new Health Care policy introduced by the Government will not affect the PNGDF and thus, does not cover the organisation even if it gets approved.
Mr. Polewara confirmed that PNGDF is a separate state service branch, which IS established under the Constitution and that policy will not affect its members.
CDF strongly urged the PNGDF members to stay out of any involvement in any form, due to the grievances against the most-talked about policy.
“Following rumours of industrial action circulated on social media, I am compelled to address members of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force and clarify that the force is not captured under the Public Service Niucare Association,” CDF Polewara said.
“Therefore, all personnel are to refrain from taking part in any industrial action that may be initiated by the members of the Public Service or their workers union.
“The Niucare Policy does not cover PNGDF and does not benefit its members.
“PNGDF is a separate State Service established under the Constitution.
“PNGDF’s normal process to care for and compensate members who are injured or killed in action is still in place and operational.
“However, with the changes in the business environment, PNGDF is in talks with reputable insurance providers for medical cover, including physical and psychological health, for our members and their dependants.
“The nature of military work is such that it is not an attractive market for health insurance providers because risks are especially high during wartime when injury and deaths surge.
“Nonetheless, men and women of the force continue to put their lives on the line in their service to the State and communities during our everyday operations and so the HQPNGDF is committed to negotiate better life cover options.”
Picture Caption: CDF Rear Admiral Philip Polewara.