IN anticipation of the 50th years independence anniversary for the country, the Department of Works and Highways (DOWH) will be delivering transformative infrastructure that drives connectivity, economic growth, and social development.
The Minister for Works and Highway, Solan Mirisim, has briefed his department on the targets and the top priority to the top management of the department to execute within the next 8 months.
Mr Mirisim says DOWH primary target within the remaining months will be the completion of the key road links.
He stressed the DOWH need to achieve full connections of all 22 provinces to the national highway network, prioritizing critical missing links and major economic corridors.
He also emphasized the need for the completion of all missing road links and the construction and rehabilitation of the 500+ bridges to ensure safe and reliable road crossing, especially in flood prone regions.
Mr. Mirisim also urged the DOWH secretary and all department staff to foster partnerships with private sectors, donors and communities, priorities, innovation, and local empowerment in infrastructure delivery with accountability, sustainability, and quality in all endeavors.
Picture Caption: Works and Highway Minister Solan Mirisim.
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