By Sandra ULG

Finance Minister Miki Kaeok has launched the Department of Finance Corporate Plan 2023-2027 and the Annual Activity Plan for 2025 under the theme; Innovative Public Finance Strategies for Sustainable Development and Prosperity for Every Papua New Guinean last week Friday in Port Moresby.

Minister Kaeok during the launch said Corporate Plan launched is built on three simple principles that Prime Minister Marape emphasized that is transparency in where money goes, fairness in how it is shared and results that people can see and touch in their communities. Every Kina must work for the people who rightfully own it.

And for the Annual Activity Plan Kaeok says it will focus on practical actions that is simplify how the government pays for the services, strengthen checks to stop wastage and the use of technology to track money from Waigani all the way to the village.

He commended the Department’s team lead by Secretary Samuel Penias and the staff for working tirelessly often without recognition to keep the country’s financial heart beating.

He called on all Department staff, from the Secretary down to the cleaner to embrace this corporate plan and work together to make it a success.

He says each one of them plays a vital role the mission and together they can transform how the government serves its people.

Minister Kaeok says when Prime Minister James Marape took office in 2019 he called the Department of Finance the backbone of the government, the central agency that must ensure money flows properly to serve people. Today they honor that trust and responsibility.

He says for far too long people have watched public money disappear without seeing the improvements in their daily lives. Schools without books, health centers without medicine, and roads washed away by rain have tested the faith of citizens. These challenges have taught valuable lessons.

He adds that as leaders they must make bold decisions to address these challenges and commit to being worthy guardians of every kina that belongs to the people of PNG.

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