WOMEN in the Talasea District will now benefit from the newly opened Ruango Community Market in the Talasea District.

The market will not only benefit the women of Ruango but also other rural farmers to sell their fresh produce and seafood to the travelling public as Ruango village is located close to the provincial capital of Kimbe Town.

Talasea Open MP Hon. Freddie Kumai officially opened Ruango Community Market in the Ward 1 of the Talasea Rural LLG in the Talasea District of West New Britain.

Kumai, who is also the Chairman of the Talasea District Deveolpment Authority (TDDA), was present to mark this special occasion with the womenfolk of Ruango community who have been without a proper market to sell their fresh produce and seafood.

The Deputy Parliamentary leader of People’s Party highlighted that the opening of the Ruango Community Market will also sustain the operations of the nearby Ruango Junior High School as the teachers and students will have access to fresh supply of fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood on a regular basis.

Kumai revealed that the new structures constructed by Rabaul Mental Industry (RMI) at the costed the Talasea District Deveolpment Authority a total of K150,000.

*Photos attached show Talasea Open MP Hon.Freddie Kumai and local women from the Ruango Community at the opening of the Ruango Community Market.

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