THE Minster for Community Development, Religion and Youth and the Minister responsible for Censorship, Jason Peter has called on the Papua New Guinea media fraternity to follow the rules of responsible Journalism when reporting stories of national interest.
In a statement Minster Peter reiterated the media’s role and acknowledges their contributions to the development and Progress of the country.
However recent instances of graphic online content and inaccurate reporting has raised serious concerns.
While acknowledging the importance of media freedom in Papua, Peter has raised concerns about the misuse of this freedom, especially in regards to the recent publication of graphic images and misleading headlines.
He adds that that as the country prepares to celebrate its 50th year anniversary, it is imperative that local media refrains from consistently highlighting negative narratives of the country.
The Minster urges all media practicians to adhere to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in the work.
Picture Caption: Minster for Community Development, Religion and Youth and the Minister responsible for Censorship, Jason Peter.
Picture Supplied.